The crepes.extras module#

crepes.extras.hinge(X_prob, classes=None, y=None)[source]#

Computes non-conformity scores for conformal classifiers.

  • X_prob (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes)) – predicted class probabilities

  • classes (array-like of shape (n_classes,), default=None) – class names

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – correct target values


scores – non-conformity scores. The shape is (n_samples, n_classes) if classes and y are None.

Return type:

ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_classes)


Assuming that X_prob is an array with predicted probabilities and classes and y are vectors with the class names (in order) and correct class labels, respectively, the non-conformity scores are generated by:

from crepes.extras import hinge

alphas = hinge(X_prob, classes, y)

The above results in that alphas is assigned a vector of the same length as X_prob with a non-conformity score for each object, here defined as 1 minus the predicted probability for the correct class label. These scores can be used when fitting a ConformalClassifier or calibrating a WrapClassifier. Non-conformity scores for test objects, for which y is not known, can be obtained from the corresponding predicted probabilities (X_prob_test) by:

alphas_test = hinge(X_prob_test)

The above results in that alphas_test is assigned an array of the same shape as X_prob_test with non-conformity scores for each class in the columns for each test object.

crepes.extras.margin(X_prob, classes=None, y=None)[source]#

Computes non-conformity scores for conformal classifiers.

  • X_prob (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes)) – predicted class probabilities

  • classes (array-like of shape (n_classes,), default=None) – class names

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – correct target values


scores – non-conformity scores. The shape is (n_samples, n_classes) if classes and y are None.

Return type:

ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_classes)


Assuming that X_prob is an array with predicted probabilities and classes and y are vectors with the class names (in order) and correct class labels, respectively, the non-conformity scores are generated by:

from crepes.extras import margin

alphas = margin(X_prob, classes, y)

The above results in that alphas is assigned a vector of the same length as X_prob with a non-conformity score for each object, here defined as the highest predicted probability for a non-correct class label minus the predicted probability for the correct class label. These scores can be used when fitting a ConformalClassifier or calibrating a WrapClassifier. Non-conformity scores for test objects, for which y is not known, can be obtained from the corresponding predicted probabilities (X_prob_test) by:

alphas_test = margin(X_prob_test)

The above results in that alphas_test is assigned an array of the same shape as X_prob_test with non-conformity scores for each class in the columns for each test object.

crepes.extras.binning(values, bins=10)[source]#

Provides bins for a set of values.

  • values (array-like of shape (n_samples,)) – set of values

  • bins (int or array-like of shape (n_bins,), default=10) – number of bins to use for equal-sized binning or threshold values to use for binning


  • assigned_bins (array-like of shape (n_samples,)) – bins to which values have been assigned

  • boundaries (array-like of shape (bins+1,)) – threshold values for the bins; the first is always -np.inf and the last is np.inf. Returned only if bins is an int.


Assuming that sigmas is a vector with difficulty estimates, then Mondrian categories (bins) can be formed by finding thresholds for 20 equal-sized bins by:

from crepes.extras import binning

bins, bin_thresholds = binning(sigmas, bins=20)

The above results in that bins is assigned a vector of the same length as sigmas with label names (integers from 0 to 19), while bin_thresholds define the boundaries for the bins. The latter can be used to assign bin labels to another vector, e.g., sigmas_test, by providing the thresholds as input to binning():

test_bins  = binning(sigmas_test, bins=bin_thresholds)

Here the output is just a vector test_bins with label names of the same length as sigmas_test.


A very small random number is added to each value when forming bins for the purpose of tie-breaking.

class crepes.extras.DifficultyEstimator[source]#

A difficulty estimator outputs scores for objects to be used by normalized conformal regressors and predictive systems.



Apply difficulty estimator.

fit([X, y, residuals, learner, k, scaler, ...])

Fit difficulty estimator.

fit(X=None, y=None, residuals=None, learner=None, k=25, scaler=False, beta=0.01, oob=False)[source]#

Fit difficulty estimator.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features), default=None) – set of objects

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – target values

  • residuals (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – true target values - predicted values

  • learner (an object with attribute learner.estimators_, default=None) – an ensemble model where each model m in learner.estimators_ has a method m.predict

  • k (int, default=25) – number of neighbors (used only if learner=None)

  • scaler (bool, default=True) – use min-max-scaler on the difficulty estimates

  • beta (int or float, default=0.01) – value to add to the difficulty estimates (after scaling)

  • oob (bool, default=False) – use out-of-bag estimation


self – Fitted DifficultyEstimator.

Return type:



Assuming that X_prop_train is a proper training set, then a difficulty estimator using the distances to the k nearest neighbors can be formed in the following way (here using the default k=25):

from crepes.extras import DifficultyEstimator

de_knn_dist = DifficultyEstimator()

Assuming that y_prop_train is a vector with target values for the proper training set, then a difficulty estimator using standard deviation of the targets of the k nearest neighbors is formed by:

de_knn_std = DifficultyEstimator(), y=y_prop_train)

Assuming that X_prop_res is a vector with residuals for the proper training set, then a difficulty estimator using the mean of the absolute residuals of the k nearest neighbors is formed by:

de_knn_res = DifficultyEstimator(), residuals=X_prop_res)

Assuming that learner_prop is a trained model for which learner.estimators_ is a collection of base models, each implementing the predict method; this holds e.g., for RandomForestRegressor, a difficulty estimator using the variance of the predictions of the constituent models is formed by:

de_var = DifficultyEstimator()

The difficulty estimates may be normalized (using min-max scaling) by setting scaler=True. It should be noted that this comes with a computational cost; for estimators based on the k-nearest neighbor, a leave-one-out protocol is employed to find the minimum and maximum distances that are used by the scaler. This also requires that a set of objects is provided for the variance-based approach (to allow for finding the minimum and maximum values). Hence, if normalization is to be employed for the latter, objects have to be included:

de_var = DifficultyEstimator(), learner=learner_prop, scaler=True)

The DifficultyEstimator can also support the construction of conformal regressors and predictive systems that employ out-of-bag calibration. For the k-nearest neighbor approaches, the difficulty of each object in the provided training set will be computed using a leave-one-out procedure, while for the variance-based approach the out-of-bag predictions will be employed. This is enabled by setting oob=True when calling the fit() method, which also requires the (full) training set (X_train), and for the variance-based approach a corresponding trained model (learner_full) to be provided:

de_var_oob = DifficultyEstimator(), learner=learner_full, scaler=True, oob=True)

A small value (beta) is added to the difficulty estimates. The default is beta=0.01. In order to make the beta value have the same effect across different estimators, you may consider normalizing the difficulty estimates (using min-max scaling) by setting scaler=True. Note that beta is added after the normalization, which means that the range of scores after normalization will be [0+beta, 1+beta]. Below, we use beta=0.001 together with 10 neighbors (k=10):

de_knn_mod = DifficultyEstimator(), k=10, beta=0.001, scaler=True)


The use of out-of-bag calibration, as enabled by oob=True, does not come with the theoretical validity guarantees of the regular (inductive) conformal regressors and predictive systems, due to that calibration and test instances are not handled in exactly the same way.


Apply difficulty estimator.


X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features), default=None) – set of objects


sigmas – difficulty estimates

Return type:

array-like of shape (n_samples,)


Assuming de to be a fitted DifficultyEstimator, i.e., for which fit() has earlier been called, difficulty estimates for a set of objects X is obtained by:

difficulty_estimates = de.apply(X)

If de_oob is a DifficultyEstimator that has been fitted with the option oob=True and a training set, then a call to apply() without any objects will return the estimates for the training set:

oob_difficulty_estimates = de_oob.apply()

For a difficulty estimator employing any of the k-nearest neighbor approaches, the above will return an estimate for the difficulty of each object in the training set computed using a leave-one-out procedure, while for the variance-based approach the out-of-bag predictions will instead be used.